Meet Jenni!
Jenni brings such vibrancy to the gym whenever she’s here, and we’re not just talking about her hair! She was kind enough to share a bit about her time with us, and what she’s working for.
“I chose FFF for two reasons – firstly, it’s close to where I work (so convenient to finish work, swing by the gym for a class and then go home feeling fantastic). Secondly, I was a member for a couple of years shortly after FFF first opened (I worked the next floor up) and I never forgot what a friendly place it was and how I always felt welcomed. If I hadn’t relocated to Melbourne, I would have remained a member.
I am nearly 70 years old and although I have maintained good physical fitness all my life through bushwalking, eating well and generally staying active, last year I realised that my overall body strength was diminishing. The aging process had started! Mentally I’m about 35 years old, but I couldn’t pretend that the saggy upper arms and weak thigh muscles and intermittent lower back pain didn’t exist. ! had to assert control over my body and get it really strong to ensure that it will keep up with how I live my life.
From starting out totally LOATHING doing weights and squats and lunges, I have fallen in love with Pump classes twice a week! Physically and mentally, I embrace the challenges encountered in doing these work outs and I absolutely float out of class afterwards. I also do Zumba once a week which is “the exercise you’re doing when you think you’re just dancing and having fun”.
I have to commend Emily Whalan who is my Pump class instructor. Without her energy and vigorous encouragement and suitably loud music, I don’t think I’d push myself half as much as I do. She is a force of nature and inspires me to push myself that bit further.
I have now developed noticeable biceps and strong thigh muscles and my lower back doesn’t hurt any more – and I’ve only been coming to classes since June. It’s amazing to see these results. My goal is to keep coming to classes until I’m too old to remember where the gym is located. I might become doddery but I’ll be very physically fit!”
If you’d like to share your fitness story, we’d love to hear it!
Email us at info@feelgoodfemalefitness.com.au to be featured.
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