• 09APR, 2019

    Seasonal Fruit and Veg

      Eating seasonally has benefits for both your body and your wallet. Fruits and veggies that are in season will be fresher, taste better and retain more of their nutrients, and they’ll also usually be cheaper since they’re more readily accessible! Check out the lists below of when you’ll find your favourite fruits and vegetables

  • 06SEP, 2018
    1 Comment
    5 Reasons why you need a Food Coach

    5 Reasons why you need a Food Coach

    Do you find yourself working out tirelessly at the gym but can’t seem to get the results you want? Or are you eating healthy during the day but come tea-time you binge eat, finding any sweet or salty snacks you can get your hands on? No matter what position you find yourself in it’s time

  • 07JUN, 2018
    Benefits of balance

    Benefits of balance

      Are you feeling flat and exhausted? Struggling to feel motivated through the working week or during your studies? Feeling completely stressed out and lacking ‘me-time’? Here at Feel Good Female Fitness we’ve got you covered with a brand new 4 Week Balance experience. Starting from the 12th of June from 7:45am – 8:15am each